Ninja Hands on 2 hour Lesson in English at Kyoto Elementary Level Lesson Overview

Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto – Elementary Level

Join us for an exciting Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto – Elementary Level!

Get ready to dive into the thrilling world of ninjas and learn their ancient art of stealth and combat. Led by experienced instructors, you’ll master cool ninja techniques like shuriken throwing and stealth movement.

The small group size of up to 6 people ensures personalized attention for everyone. Just keep in mind that if you have certain medical conditions or physical limitations, this activity may not be suitable for you.

Once you book, please note that cancellations are generally non-refundable, except in specific circumstances.

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to become a ninja!

Good To Know

Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto - Elementary Level - Good To Know

  • Lesson starts at 10:00 AM
  • Fun activity for younger students
  • Interactive and exciting teaching techniques
  • Learning basic English words and phrases related to ninjas

Lesson Overview

Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto - Elementary Level - Lesson Overview

The lesson starts at 10:00 AM with a fun activity for younger students. The teacher gives out all the materials needed for the lesson. They use interactive and exciting teaching techniques to get the students interested and help them learn better.

The teacher does things like showing examples, doing activities in groups, and giving individual practice time. This way, they make sure that everyone can learn in their own way.

The materials used in the lesson are chosen carefully to help the students understand and remember the things they’re learning. The teaching methods used in this lesson create a fun and immersive environment where students can really get involved and improve their skills.

Lesson Duration and Schedule

Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto - Elementary Level - Lesson Duration and Schedule

The Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto – Elementary Level is designed to give you an awesome experience!

The lesson is 2 hours long, which is a good amount of time for you to learn about ninjas and stay engaged.

During the lesson, you’ll do hands-on activities, watch demonstrations, and have interactive discussions. This helps you understand both the theory and practice of ninja techniques.

The lesson is flexible, so the instructors can adjust the content based on your skill level and what you need.

Lesson Content and Activities

In this part of the Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto – Elementary Level, we’ll have lots of cool stuff for you to do!

The lesson is all about ninjas, and we’ve made sure to include lots of fun activities to help you learn English.

We’ll tell you stories, act out different roles, and do hands-on activities.

You’ll learn some basic English words and phrases related to ninjas, and you’ll get to practice speaking and listening by talking with your classmates and doing group activities.

We’ll even teach you some ninja moves and give you puzzles to solve.

The goal is to make learning fun and memorable for you, so get ready for an exciting time!

Lesson Requirements and Restrictions

Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto - Elementary Level - Lesson Requirements and Restrictions

To join the Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto – Elementary Level, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. These requirements and restrictions are meant to make sure everyone has a fun and safe experience. Here’s a quick overview:

  • You should have a basic understanding of English. This will help you communicate with the ninja instructor effectively.
  • You need to be at least in elementary school or older. This way, the lesson will be suitable for your age group.
  • It’s important to be in good physical health. This will ensure that you can fully participate in the lesson without any problems.

During the lesson, make sure to follow the instructions given by the ninja instructor. This will help you get the most out of the experience. It’s also important to avoid any reckless behavior, as this can be dangerous.

To be comfortable during the lesson, wear clothing and footwear that allow for easy movement. This way, you can fully enjoy the activities without feeling restricted.

Lesson Pricing and Booking Information

Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto - Elementary Level - Lesson Pricing and Booking Information

Book the Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto – Elementary Level now! You can find all the pricing and booking information on the Viator website. Prices start from £90.56 and they even have a Lowest Price Guarantee, so you know you’re getting the best deal.

If you have any questions, just head over to the Viator Help Center for all the answers.

To book your spot, all you need to do is enter the product code 140353P2 on the website. Viator is the company that provides this awesome lesson, and they’ve their own Terms & Conditions that you should check out.

This lesson is all about enjoying the world of the ninja in Kyoto. It’s going to be an exciting adventure that you won’t want to miss!

Frequently Asked Questions

Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto - Elementary Level - Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Age Restrictions for the Ninja Hands-On 2-Hour Lesson in English at Kyoto – Elementary Level?

The Ninja Hands-On 2-Hour Lesson in English at Kyoto – Elementary Level is open to all ages! It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can join in on the fun. The lesson lasts for 2 hours, giving you plenty of time to learn and practice your ninja skills. So, if you’re interested in becoming a ninja for a day, this is the perfect opportunity for you!

Is There a Dress Code for the Lesson?

Wear something comfy for the lesson. You don’t have to follow a dress code, but it’s best to wear athletic or flexible clothes so you can fully participate in the activities.

Are There Any Breaks During the 2-Hour Lesson?

Yes, there are breaks during the 2-hour lesson. However, we don’t know how long the breaks are or what activities are done during them. To get more information about the break duration and activities, it’s best to ask the people providing the lesson.

Can Participants Bring Their Own Equipment for the Lesson?

No, participants cannot bring their own equipment for the lesson. The instructor will provide all the necessary equipment. It’s important to follow the instructor’s instructions and guidelines.

Is There Parking Available Near the Meeting Point for the Lesson?

There might be parking available near the meeting point for your lesson, but it’s not clear. Before you go, it’s a good idea to check with the people organizing the lesson or the local authorities to find out about nearby parking options and if there are any spots available.

The Sum Up

Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto - Elementary Level - The Sum Up

To sum it up, the Ninja Hands-on 2-hour Lesson in English at Kyoto offers an exciting and educational experience for international visitors. Participants have the opportunity to learn ancient ninja techniques and gain insights into the rich history and culture of Japan.

With experienced instructors and a maximum of 6 travelers per session, this intimate lesson provides personalized attention and guidance.

While there are certain restrictions and booking conditions, this hands-on experience is sure to leave participants with a memorable and immersive understanding of the world of ninjas.